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Sed non dignissim enim, ut egestas mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Integer metus arcu, luctus vel quam et, scelerisque fringilla tellus. Praesent gravida condimentum velit, ut mollis libero luctus vel. Cras vulputate est tortor, id placerat augue faucibus ac. Ut ipsum nisl, accumsan nec gravida vel, bibendum at dui.

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Cloud Advatages: Email in the Cloud

Other than getting more for less, email in the Cloud is something businesses should look into:

Businesses today depend on cost-competitive and dependable communications services to stay connected and maintain productivity. Considering junk mail filtering and ease of transition, staying connected is easy through Outlook, the Micrsoft Exchange email in the cloud.

Benefits include:

  1. One more way for small businesses to thrive and stay competitive.
  2. More storage.
  3. Easy transition.
  4. Secure inbox.
  5. Always keeps business owners in sync with employees.
  6. Stay connected features so if needed, you can take the office with you.
  7. Easy updates.
  8. Access any time, anywhere.

How can you get this service? Have additional questions? Contact us:

NWMAP New Product: GPS

NWMAP is featuring a new GPS service. We aim to give clients what they are looking for TODAY! Businesses are looking for a new approach to fleet, risk, and asset management.

The following are just some of the benefits with this GPS service:

  1. It’s green! reducing or eliminating paper time sheets and reducing fuel costs, seeing immediate ROI.
  2. More efficiency, reducing overtime. Ability to plan best route.
  3. simple and easy-to-use technology with Web interface.
  4. Improve accountability by tracking drivers/gaining insight into operations, change bad driving behaviors, and reduce idle time.
  5. Real-time info including locating and re-routing drivers according to current traffic conditions. Also, schedule new jobs by knowing when other jobs are in progress or completed.
  6. Excellent technology! Hi-resolution touch screen. Easy install and plug-in feature. Clock in and out from device. Scalability and flexibility. Driver scorecard including speed compliance and job related driving. Digital sensors for refrigerated trucks temp.

A business can’t afford to not deploy this GPS technology. Studies have shown up to $50,000/ yr. can be saved, over 230 miles/ week saved, and about $2,700/ month of unnecessary drive time saved. We focus on customer service so clients have someone walk them through entire implementation process, no risk to try it out, and no hidden fees. We make it EASY. Contact a NWMAP Agent today!



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