Catching Up With NWMAP Telecom: September

Late July: NWMAP’s annual rafting trip was, as usual, an excellent time! I think most would agree there was fun had by all. A big thanks to Lennie and James for making the trip
possible (and safe). Both clients and agents attended…and looking forward to next year.

baby JJSpeaking of James, we’ve got new help in the office. Very, very cute help! We wanted to share a pic of James Miller’s baby boy JJ- helping dad in the office. James isn’t only handy at the rafting trips, he’s covering the IT side of things at NWMAP as well.

Introducing Ajubeo: We’ve added some new technology to our portfolio, in the form of a Cloud company known as Ajubeo. We’re super excited about the technology they offer; maximum agility, security,
reliability, and connectivity, all backed by Ajubeo’s customer commitment and 100% Cloud SLA. A Cloud infrastructure with a fully virtualized data center means we can offer more to clients, personalize solutions, and save money for them as well. When we’re talking about superior technology, we’re not messing around- faster speeds than public clouds like Amazon!