Meet NW MAP Agent Dan Kimball

At NW MAP our Agents are people we trust with our clients, people with expertise, and people who have similar goals and professional values to NW MAP as a business. We’d like to turn the spotlight over to some of our Agents and introduce them to you. After-all, many companies and clients conduct a lot of business online and it can be an extremely impersonal transaction. We’d like to make that experience a little more personal by giving our Agents a chance to introduce themselves here. NW MAP Telecom is not just another telecom business. We have to ensure our clients feel comfortable enough to contact us whenever they need assistance.

That being said, let’s meet one of the Agents: Dan Kimball

Dan’s professional Telecom past includes 15+ years in this business- several of those in management. Some of the places he has worked for are; At&T Wireless, Clearwire, and Rio Networks. Currently (and for the last 3+ yrs) he has been President/CEO of LucidTelecom, LLC, involving 1-10 employee operation in the Telecom industry. LucidTelecom is a consulting firm that provides the latest in telecommunications products and services (22+ carriers) from telephony to MPLS Fiber optics- basically cutting edge products at affordable prices.

On a personal note, Dan has been married for 18 years to his lovely wife with their 15 yr old son. They currently reside in Medford, OR. He is involved in a fundraiser for Vegas in the Valley event; The Hadley Hope Foundation for  Niemann-Pick disease, which is a rare, progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Patients with NPC disease typically present in early childhood with difficulty walking and progressive impairment of motor and intellectual function.

If you’d like to be an Agent for NW MAP Master Agent Program please contact us: