Integra Telecom’s Fiber Network; A Sophisticated Solution

Integra Telecom operates the most extensive fiber network of any competitive services provider in the West. If that’s not something to be proud of, how about unmatched  reliability as well. Reliability, accountability, and redundancy are what Integra’s business clients demand- small to large businesses, regional, national, and multi-national. Integra’s fiber network is designed to serve a plethora of business needs from affordable products to sophisticated solutions.

A recent extension of Integra’s fiber network will enable clients to get connectivity without the extensive cost of bringing new fiber into buildings. Their fiber network consists of 5,000 high speed long haul route miles, including 3,000 metropolitan route miles serving 11 cities and 1,500 fiber served commercial buildings. With this technology and capability, Integra can provide enterprise and carrier-class high bandwidth products and services.

Whatever your business needs and demands are Integra’s products and services are sure to exceed those expectations. NWMAP is partnered with Integra to provide the right fit services for your business. To learn more; We can provide you with a quote and information on Integra’s latest affordable technology.