IT Spending Down; Great News for Telecommunications

Several articles I’ve run across lately are forecasting a downturn in spending for IT departments. This is largely due to the economic recession of course. Many companies have cut costs where they can during the first couple years of the recession, but now they’re reaching down further with the looming of a slowing global economy.

Technology is what gives a company the edge, competition, and advantage and in most circumstances is not wise to make cuts to such an important area within a company. However, it’s understandable that companies must do what they have to do to merely survive in this atmosphere.

The GOOD NEWS is telecommunications is getting more advanced by the day, month, year…AND costs are getting lower. How is telecommunications lowering costs? The answer is making your money work for you- stripping out the unnecessary technology and making a plan specifically that meets your needs- a perfect fit, NWMAP agents like to call it. Telecom agencies like NWMAP are pros at solutions- they are not trying to sell you what you don’t need. NWMAP is a master agent program in which telecom agents are working for you and even providing free bill reviews, suggestions, and plans that will help you get the most for your dollar.

You can still make communications within your company a priority. Most companies don’t even know they could be saving money and getting updated technology or better services and systems. A lot of companies don’t think to question their telecom providers and they could be carrying around a lot of dead weight with technology they don’t need. On the flip-side many are stuck and believe they have to have outdated products and think the cost of updating will be too much. All wrong!

Please find out how you can save money and get more for your money. It is possible. Contact us: or request a quote:

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