Customer Wants and Needs

There is no doubt businesses are currently focused on financial projections for the upcoming year based on this shopping season. Recently with Black Friday and Cyber Monday, everyone has money on their mind. So it’s easy to forget what matters more than money, what ultimately sells your services and/or products…Customers.

Customers are looking for the deals right now, but this is also a time they reach out and try new products or services and how you treat your customers can form a lasting impression. So what goes on in the customer’s mind when purchasing or choosing where to do business? What do customers want?  Increasing your understanding of people is crucial to your success.

“Please don’t give us something overly complex.” Don’t overwhelm your customer the long version explanation of ALL their possibilities or give them products and services well above their needs. You may personally have an idea about the ultimate myriad of products and services  you would have if the choice was yours, but chances are these ideas don’t fit for your average customer. Giving them their best fit, addressing the main points, keeps things simple for all involved. Listen to what they really want.

“Do you know what type of service we require?” Are you taking into consideration the size of business you are working with, the type of customer you have, the detail of questions and concerns the customer has? Determine what level of service they are seeking or what kind of product they want.

“What do you have to offer us?” This time of year people expect deals, freebies, etc. Have good communication about what services you are providing and what those services are achieving for your client. What’s the value for their buck. For instance, NWMAP Telecom reviews bills and services free for clients and potential clients so there’s no guessing from the start. Making it known what you have to offer is often where businesses surprisingly sell themselves short. Barnes and Noble is another example of how a business offers continuous value for their customers- they offer free support for all Nooks they sell. This is part of the marketing for their product as well- they make their value known that their value extends beyond the purchase itself.