Telecom Agents: Comcast Promotions 2012 Via NW MAP

NW MAP Carrier Promotions: Comcast
Happening NOW through 9/21/12. Agents can sell AND  get upfront money.

  •  PRI — $500 per deal

Both Fractional and
Full PRI’s qualify

      Min. 2 year agreement. Pay on Order

  • Metro-E — $700 per deal

 50 Mbps minimum

  All 4
Metro-Ethernet solutions qualify (EDI, ENS, EPL, EVPL)

 Minimum 3 year term

 Pay on Order Acceptance

 Comcast PRI and Metro E volumes continue to grow each month. Hopefully these promotions will help motivate everyone to continue getting the word out to the business community on Comcast’s capabilities in these areas.

For more information on
Comcast news, visit

If you have any questions on the promos,
please contact your NW MAP representative: