Key Aspects of Great Salesmanship

This being the last month in 2012, people are gearing up for the New Year, hence new goals and new resolutions. At NW MAP we’re often looking ahead in technology and what’s new in Telecom. This year has been focused on the Cloud and hosted services- making more things possible for more businesses. Do we have goals for selling these products and services? Well…yes and no. Our number one priority is our clients, always has been, always will be. So we’ll continue to do this in 2013.

Is there anything you or us can strive for this coming year? We’ve compiled a short list of key sales aspects that have hit high on lists for business, technology, and sales in general:

  1. Create value before claming any. If you sell, you’ll want to create relationships and establish value not only within your services, but also as a business…as a salesperson. At NWMAP we offer free bill reviews and service evaluations- we offer several no-charge services up front before anything else.
  2. Offer something specific. All types of businesses exist out there, and many have various and differing needs. If you want to get in the door, offer something specific to their needs.
  3. Make time. Time is a love-hate relationship for people in sales. Establishing relationships take time. Something you do now may benefit you 6 months from now. This also means taking time to grow- you can go to seminars, hit the books and take classes, groom yourself to be the best, organize your time wisely, and spend time social networking.

We hope to continue helping others and establishing relationships in the future. Happy holidays from the NWMAP team!

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