Notes on Success for the CIO, CEO, and Entrepreneur

I flipped open the latest issue of Success magazine and found some inspiring stories. I don’t usually read something like this because success seems elusive during tough times. Such a broad term. Everybody’s chasing after it, right? Just like the American Dream, does it even exist anymore? But I think what we need right now is exactly what I found in the magazine- inspiration. We’ve been in a recession and will be for a while, but innovation and re-invention seem to be key now. People who used to work for others are now working for themselves. Times are changing.

Reading through the editor’s note at the beginning I picked a quote that I enjoyed. “Now, because of technology, every ambitious individual has direct and immediate access to a global market of resources and customers.” (Darren Hardy- SUCCESS magazine Publisher and founding Editor). He also states technology as being the foremost reason for the current ‘entrepreneurial revolution’. Anybody and everybody can get ahead and really be in control of their professional destiny. Personally, I don’t have a 401k anymore but I do work for myself and do what I enjoy. Even Steve Jobs didn’t have it easy at the get-go…sleeping on his friend’s floors after he dropped out of college. The key is we’re desperate enough now and there really is opportunity for the right kind of person.

Another key to success is defining what success is to you personally. My definition is doing what I love. Yes, I’m one of those people who believes if I’m doing what I love, the money will follow. So far, so good. I also believe people should  consistently train for success. Find what motivates you- some people need money in their pockets and food on their table, others want freedom and power over their life. Research what gets you there. Take lessons from others who ARE there. Sometimes setting yourself up as your biggest competitor is a more rewarding challenge than always comparing yourself to the “other” competition and their numbers.  People who succeed felt they never had a choice otherwise.

After skimming some great articles in the latest Success issue, I realized inspiration and technology are our fighting chance in this economic climate. Use it to your advantage.

Written by: Contributing Blogger, L. Izett

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