Do you have a project in the works but it’s stalled because no one is working together? Do you want to expand but have no idea where to start? You should consider hiring a Project Manager and we can help with that. Whether your team collaboration crosses cubicles or spans time zones, a project manager is the engine that keeps work moving along and all teams on the same page and we can find the right person for the job.
Here are the top 3 reasons you need a Project Manager –
• They are the main point of contact for all teams involved. They communicate and keep everyone on track so that tasks and deadlines are met. Even one delayed deadline will impact all other work. It’s like a domino effect, where negative consequences will lead to a project scope creep. With a Project Manager at the helm, you can trust that they will meet those deadlines in time.
• A Project Manager will help to make sure the project falls within the budget established. Without project management, a new endeavor can take longer to develop and implement. Time is money, and most businesses are investing in and allocating resources to the development of new things. If the project is not being properly monitored, resources are wasted or misused.
One of the ways project managers keep costs down is by understanding the resources needed for any one project. Many project managers contracted for specific types of work have a reliable contact list of contractors to use on any project. The project manager should be able to put a team together as needed based on the scope and budget of the project.
• Effective project management gives businesses a competitive advantage. Business owners who constantly try to stay competitive may find themselves in areas they are unfamiliar with on projects. Project management helps the business owner by using the experts in the areas needed while allowing the business owner to serve as an adviser to the project. The project manager can break any project into smaller sections and provide timetables and metrics regarding success that help the business owner define the true viability of the project.
If you have a large project on the drawing board but not sure where or how to begin or already in the works but it’s not going anywhere and there’s a lot of miscommunication, you need a Project Manager and we are here to help you find the right person to ensure your project’s success!