Selecting a Hosted VoIP Provider

For businesses considering Hosted VoIP service, a few things must be done prior to selecting one. You’ll need to do some research, but we’ve provided a quick guide to assist you and make this initial step easier.

  • When doing your research, find service providers who have ample experience- 10+ years is sufficient.
  • Find out what is important to the provider/ Agents. If you go directly through a provider/carrier, then everything will be biased, often the sales agents don’t have much experience, and they are out to sell you (mostly what is good for them). A Telecom Broker/Agency such as NWMAP believes customer service is most important.
  • Access and network: Does your Agent or provider have access to multiple Hosted VoIP providers? And networks? This will enable them to have an unbiased professional opinion about the best Telecom technology for your business. This is a huge advantage that a single carrier can not provide.
  • What kind of support does the Agent have from the providers or extend to end-users? Obviously the benefit of Hosted VoIP is to not pay a phone repair guy $100/ hour. You want great support, from installation to training to solutions.
  •  Look for guarantees, disaster recovery, QoS (quality of service) and auto-failover protection. 

If you have additional questions that need to be answered, contact us:

If you missed the first 2 parts of this informational multi-part blogs series on Hosted VoIP, click here: (part1) and (part 2)

More info on selecting VoIP: